Baba speaks Taiwanese

sometime early 2005

I saw one sister with her head bent low, standing in front of Baba. Baba was scolding her in a language that I could not understand. But I think it must have been some sort of Taiwanese rather than Mandarin Chinese.

First, I felt sorry for that sister and thought that she was very unfortunate to have received scolding from Baba. But then, after some time, she started to defend herself and was in turn rebuking Baba a little bit. Baba however insisted that it was she who had done something wrong and He looked at her from head to toe, as if examining her thoroughly one more time.

Then, Baba became a bit softer. But still He was trying to make His point clear to her. She continued defending herself as though she had not done anything wrong or as if saying that He should now forgive her.

Then, the feeling came into my mind that actually she was not at all unlucky anymore but in fact very lucky indeed to be able to be so close to Baba for such a long time.

Then, just after that, this same thought hit me: that I was actually quite lucky to see Baba conversing with that sister for so long, and more so, in such an exotic language!

But just at that moment, I woke up.