Dúre sare jeo ná


Yesterday, my daughter had a little Baba dream. 

And today, while driving her to school, I asked her to tell it again because I could not pay attention to it properly yesterday when she mentioned it (in the supermarket). 

After she had told it to me, I told her that I also had just had a little Baba dream in the night but that I had forgotten most of it because I had fallen asleep again afterwards. 

Baba had been somewhere very closely with the margiis and had given a very nice discourse and then had gone somewhere. A few of us had followed Him and I kept repeating one line from a Prabhata Samgiita: Dúre sare jeo ná (don't go away so far). I repeated it with very much love, imagining I was embracing Him at the same time. 

I then told my daughter that this had been my simple little dream.

Immediately after, still while driving, I started to smell a special and wonderful fragrance that I had never smelled before in the car. I asked my daughter if she also smelled it but she said no. I told her that maybe Baba was in the car with us. 

The fragrance kept coming in waves, sometimes stronger and very clear and sometimes weaker and just faintly. And even after my daughter had left the car to go to school, the fragrance was there. It eventually and gradually faded away when I turned on the radio (a 15 minutes discussion programme on some current topic). 

While telling my dream to my daughter I had repeated and sung the line Dúre sare jeo ná similar to how I had done it in dream. By bestowing the fragrance, Baba immediately reminded me and proved that He is always with us and never goes away.