green jade / marble


This morning I dreamt that I had to pass a certain kind of important examination. Each candidate was assigned his or her own separate task and room.

The room assigned to me was a bit dark but there was light coming from some window. I saw some pieces or blocks of a particular kind of stone lying on the floor. It might have been jade or some kind of dark-green marble. 

It was easy to put the first parts together to form a kind of ancient bathing room. 

It was more challenging to assemble the remaining parts of the stones because many of their shapes were partly round plates. I discovered that I could somehow fix a small part to the floor. That would be the centrepiece. Slowly, I placed other parts around it and, seemingly by magic, the shapes all fitted in nicely. I had to move around some of them but it seemed like that was part of the mechanic involved. 

Slowly, I saw that this whole thing was becoming a huge circular plate that could be turned back and forth from one direction to another. The individual parts (or plates) had some lines and shapes engraved in them and it seemed like all this formed some kind of system. 

When I had almost finished, I saw that there was a triangular area that had remained vacant. There still were a few small stones, or rather pebbles, left over. Most of them were of a similar green tone but some were yellow or light orange. I thought that they must somehow fit into this triangular area but I could not figure out how. I piled them up there but I was not satisfied with it. Then I thought that probably some of them had to be placed on the big plate itself, inside or on top of the engravings while others (the larger ones) could be left in the vacant triangular area for the plate to keep rotating without it falling apart.

It seemed to be an idea that made sense but for some reason I could not finish completing the work.

There had also been a white swan amidst the blocks, plates and pebbles of green marble or jade and since I thought it required water, I placed it inside the rectangular bathing area of the bathroom that I had made earlier on and which by now was filled with water. A little bit it looked like a small temple made of precious green jade or marble.

My focus of attention then shifted back and forth between the two constructions. 

The big, round plate lay there beautifully reflecting with its green hue the little amount sunlight that came from the window somewhere by the top of the room. I felt that it must be some kind of calendar, like the ones that the ancient Mayas used to have. But this one seemed much simpler, yet at the same time exquisitely beautiful.

The swan at first seemed to be mechanically swaying back and forth from a lower side of the bath construction to a higher one. After a while it seemed to have acquired life and vitality and was going around in it in a counter-clockwise fashion, enjoying and playing in the water even though the space containing it was unsuitably small for a creature like it.

Later on, there was a guardian or a priest there who appeared to have been from an ancient civilisation. He was partly dressed in a simple white cloth with a few ornaments attached to his bare body. He was holding a large stick that he held upright against the floor. Then, there appeared another person who threatened to kill him with a pistol and which it seems he did, but I didn’t see it clearly. At that moment a wave went through the country and land and at that moment also I slowly woke up.