mango prasad

08.09 2009

Last night, in dream, I was in India, and there was some kind of DMC or some other meeting taking place with Baba. We were waiting somewhere when someone told us that Baba would be coming soon and that we should get ready. Then, I remembered that I wanted to play some kiirtan for Him with my new guitar. But because the guitar was in my car, I went out of the building and I could see that I was in India.


Then, sometime later (I don’t remember ever playing for Baba, but I had the feeling that I, or we, had done it), I was standing somewhere in the room, and Baba was sitting on a cot somewhere in the back. There was another young Maharlikan Dada standing near me to my right side. We were each eating one mango. It seemed to me like this was the most delicious mango I had ever eaten. It took us quite a while to finish the mangos, and during this time Baba was just sitting there, waiting.

I felt a bit shy to eat in front of Baba and to take His time, and I wondered why He was waiting there.

Then He said to the Maharlikan Dada: “this boy, if he just stands there the whole day and eats mangos, he will get samadhi.” The feeling I had was that the young Dada was so simple, and was ready to do anything for Baba, and in the meantime was just eating mangos and thinking of Him.


I wondered how one could get samadhi by eating mangos. I tried to imagine the kundalini rising, but could not quite feel anything spiritual.

In the meantime, Baba had gotten up and was about to leave. So I asked Him (due to my ego) “Baba, me too?” Then, Baba turned towards me and said a little bit seriously and a little bit jokingly “Not necessarily!”

Even though I realised that I would not get samadhi, I was so happy Baba had spoken to me. Then, He left somewhere.


Later, I was in some kind of big pandal, and some other brothers were sitting on the floor waiting for Baba’s darshan. I was bursting with happiness and wanted to tell them what had happened and was about to say “do you know what happened?”

But then, I thought I would just keep the memory inside myself for a while to make it more intense and personal. And even though I didn’t get mango samadhi, I felt that for sure I had gotten mango prasad.