meditating with His smile


In dream it had just become five o'clock in the morning and the church bells from the church by my house started ringing. I awoke and asked Dada Divyalokeshananda, who was with me, if we should do paincajanya. It was still quite dark and he said: "no, not now." (in German)

So I sat down and began reciting my Ista Mantra. In the process I felt such a deep joy and became extremely happy. I then noticed that Baba was also in the room, sitting by the window, and, He too, emanating a deep and blissful happiness. He had a non-ending smile on His face with which He glanced at me.

I didn't know whether it would be better to close my eyes or to look at Baba. I repeated my Mantra while at the same time looking at Baba. And the bliss and happiness increased even more. 

Eventually I woke up, still drowned in bliss. 

However, it must have been paincajanya time in India only because in my place it had only been one or tow o'clock in the morning. I felt tired and slept again.

... Two days ago, before brushing my teeth my daughter, I have also had the feeling that Baba was present. There had suddenly been a very special fragrance in the air, such as one I sometimes notice in jagrtis. I took a deep inhalation.