praise for renunciates

02.05 2008

Today in dream I was sitting with about 10 to 20 margiis in a small room and Baba was giving a talk. Some margiis sat by the wall, and the other margiis sat very near Baba in a small inner circle. I was sitting just next to Baba, almost touching Him. Baba was so simple and full of love!

He was talking about human civilisation and the number 8, explaining that the two circles are linked together to form an in infinite circuit. I don’t remember everything exactly. However, during the dream it was so clear and real that I thought: “let me record His talk on tape”. So instead of paying attention to what He was saying, I stood up and went to find my tape recorder.. and even though I was sure that I had left it in my bag, for some reason I couldn’t find it. So I went back to sit next to Him. Baba however, was again talking so beautifully that I once more thought: “let me try one more time to record His voice.” And again I left to look for the tape recorder and again of course I couldn’t find it.

When I came back, somehow Baba had to move to somewhere else and there was a little interruption. Some children were also running around here and there. It was just like a sweet family gathering and everyone was happy to have Baba among them.

Then, one family margii sister started to tell one Baba story and talked about how beautiful the avadhutas looked in their orange uniforms and how they gracious their movements were.

I felt a little disturbed and thought “Baba didn’t finish His talk and she is just talking and talking”. However, Baba didn’t seem upset at all; rather He had closed His eyes and was listening to her in enchantment.

I was looking at Baba but felt a little bored by the sister’s talk. I wanted to hear Baba. After some time, I slowly woke up and realised I was in a different place…

Two years later, I remembered the dream in this way:

I was in one room with other margiis and we were sitting in a circle and Baba was also sitting amongst us. It seemed that He belonged to us only, and that He was our most intimate friend to whom we could express ourselves completely freely.


Then, I thought that since there were no Dadas and Didis present, He liked us more than them! We were so close to Him and there was such a warm and joyful atmosphere.


Then, all of a sudden, one sister came forward and gave a speech on the great work and dedication of the Didis and Dadas for our mission. She praised them so much! And Baba was so happily listening to her!


So, even though we felt that Baba belonged to us family margiis only, we were given a lesson on the greatness of renunciate life!


It's wonderful to see how He balances everything.

The first part reflects the dream the way I dreamt it. The second part reflects the meaning of the dream more.