a short darshan


I was in some warm country, maybe Malta. I was in a room or house next to the jagrti and reading some Baba's book. But at the same time it was a little bit as if Baba was giving this talk just then in the jagrti. It was about a medicine and I clearly recognised the words microvita sadhana. 

Then I thought that I shouldn't just stay in my room while Baba was just next door with all the margiis. 

So I went out and came to something like the front yard of the jagrti building. The margiis were standing there and singing a Prabhat Samgiita for Baba who was standing in front of them and facing them. 

I felt very ashamed to have come late, especially I didn't want to disturb the Prabhat Samgiita singing. So I kept my head bent low and avoided looking at Baba. 

But Baba immediately saw me and directed me to stand with the other margiis by moving His head sideways in Indian style. I did it and at that moment I felt a big relief and joy inside myself. 

The song then finished. Baba said a few words that I have forgotten or didn't understand properly, and He left. 

I was a bit worried about where my daughter was and what she was doing so I asked Shiila who was amongst the margiis there if she knew how to play a particular set of games that she could play with Tanima. She said that that 'yes, yes' she knew it already because Baba had taught her and had already played two of the four games that were part of the set. It was a little bit like one of the Christmas gifts that my daughter had got just recently.