you should increase your speed


Last night I dreamt that I was in a hot country, perhaps India. One Dada was there. We talked joyfully and he gave me the advice to ‘increase the speed’ of my spiritual progress or rather the speed with which I was moving towards Baba. I didn’t take this very seriously in the dream but when I woke up I realised that I should make more effort. I sometimes feel that I have already become a bit old and lethargic. 

Then I was on some kind of tall rock or mountain and around was a big plane. There were two Dadas with me who looked liked Dada Divyalokeshananda. But one was his current age and the other one was Dadajii in young age. They talked to each other about music and in particular about playing Indian music (a raga) on the violin. 


another version which I wrote later...

In dream I was in India and I was with other people on some sort of hill or mountain that looked a bit like a temple. It was surrounded by land with a dry vegetation. 

Dada Divyalokeshananda was there and was going to play the violin. However, it was supposed to be an Indian Raga rather than the western classical melodies he usually plays. 

There was also another unknown Indian Dada there. He approached me and said that I “should increase the speed of my movement towards Baba”. He was very kind and smiled sweetly.

I realised or felt that I need to become a bit stricter with my sadhana and also get involved more in organisational work.