I dreamt that I was with some people and there was a kind of 'treasure'. But it was not a real treasure but rather information or hints to get to the treasure.
One person knew the location of where this was to be found and he rushed to get there but I was following him closely. When he reached there, the location was an old stone wall with spaces within the rocks or stones. And he quickly gathered the ‘treasure’ which were bits and sheets of paper.
Then I looked a bit behind and sideways and I saw a little girl sitting on a little hill just a few meters from were we were. I went to her and saw that she had already found the treasure beforehand and was looking a some photos. She happily showed them to me and was saying some things which I could not properly understand or remember because she seemed to be a bit in a trance. I looked at the photos and I saw that they were Baba photos. Baba looked very happy on them. He also looked a bit younger. On one of the photos He had something like a ukulele in His hands and was playing it. Slowly the photo came to life and it was as if a little video was played on the photo. Baba was happily strumming the ukulele. I could see more of the instrument and noticed that the pegs that hold the strings were very big and thick, like on a sitar. It was as if this was an old instrument, not a modern one. Baba’s hands were swiftly hovering over the fretboard (I’m not sure if it actually had frets) as if a virtuoso was playing on it. Baba also looked at me smilingly and with happiness.
After a while, other people had come to the place where I was. Also one avadhuta was there. It suddenly started to rain and it became very windy also and a storm appeared. We took shelter by the wall which also had a very small roof at one place. The avadhuta told me to carefully protect the photo which he also knew to be the treasure. And he told me to protect it from the rain and place it tightly over my chest, meaning my heart.
I did so. And when the storm had become less, I looked around to see who else was there, who the other persons were that were there. I turned around and one man dressed in white was standing next to me. I first thought him to be another margii but slowly I realised that it was actually Baba. I did not recognise Him immediately because He had more hair and looked a bit younger.
I don’t remember exactly what happened next but after a while I found myself in a kind of seminar / retreat place and other margiis and acaryas a were there. It was evening and some DC or some other program was happening.
A few more things happened but I cannot write everything.