when the Guru is 'wrong'


This morning I dreamt that I was in a small room in the late evening and quite a few people were present. Baba was standing among us and wore a dark blue dress. He gave a short talk of about 3-5 minutes. We were standing just beside Him and the atmosphere seemed very family-like.

After Baba had finished, a sister came forward and outwardly said that this was wrong, that what Baba had said was wrong. She explained very logically why it was wrong and was very adamant about it. Her tone was strong and she was criticising Baba. Baba stood there patiently and listened to her, as did everyone present.

When she was finally finished, I started to speak. I told that although she was right in her argumentation / logic, it was a matter of attitude and approach. It may be the case that the Guru sometimes says something which doesn’t seem to make sense and it is very natural to be aware of it and even we should be aware of it, but it doesn’t mean that the Guru is 'wrong', that is, to be negatively criticised. There is a deeper meaning or purpose which we might not understand properly. It may for example simply be a test aimed at surrendering one’s ego. There might be a multitude of reasons. I also believe that such tests can be given at the collective level. I eventually ended my talk by pointing out the dilemma of this situation and said that we should still love Baba and always will do so.

I walked away from the room and went to some other place which seemed to be on a lower floor of the house. I had tears in my eyes and could not control my weeping. It was as though the love for Baba washed away the strong sadness that had arisen.

Even after I had woken up that tearful love lingered on in my heart. It continued arising throughout the day…

In the dream I spoke German and the word I used for 'attitude / approach' was 'Einstellung'.
Baba knows everything about anything and anyone. He is everywhere at any time. He is benevolence and love, playing hide-and-seek with us by mysteriously acting as an imperfect human being.