eating together
I had to go to Hong Kong to extend my visa for Taiwan. At that time I didn’t have much money and I stayed in a cheap hotel in Hong Kong.
romantic encounter / frightening blessing
I was at Ananda Surucii Master Unit, sitting on a branch of a tree with Baba by my side.
a RAWA programme
Baba was giving a very beautiful discourse and although I forgot almost everything of it, I remember that somehow I was crying very much.
Baba's beating
I had been working in a kindergarten for some weeks. It was the first time for me to do this work and I was a bit insecure. Actually, the classes went very well except for one.
musical waves
One time at the Master Unit in Taiwan, in dream, I saw one man playing music with a stick.
the orchestra director
Someone was standing beside me in dream. He told me that as a conductor of an orchestra one must have full control over all the musicians in the orchestra.
Param Pita Baba ki – Jay!
Chinese New Year 2005. One time, I could not go to Dharma Cakra for some weeks because of work. So I felt a little bit sad.
a "warming" Prábhata Saḿgiita
I was listening to PS tapes to see if I found any PS that hadn't been included in the site yet.
Baba speaks Taiwanese
I saw one sister with her head bent low, standing in front of Baba.
light and energy
I was living on Ananda Surucii MU in Taiwan. I used to attend the local children’s DC there.
swans on the lake
Once in my house in the MU in Taiwan, I had a special experience during meditation. I was again tired and was half asleep.
milkmen and the Stealer of Butter
I heard an extremely beautiful Prabha’ta Sam’giita. Other ‘westerners’ were also present and were listening to it.
dies from laughter
Baba was sitting in a room with some margiis. He spoke Bengali or some other Indian language that I could not understand. I noticed that Baba was telling jokes.
Progenitrix of Creation
Baba was climbing down an invisible mountain. He was climbing or moving down backwards. There was no mountain but it seemed as though Baba was climbing down a mountain.
a dream within a dream
I was talking to some people and I started to tell them about a Baba dream that I had had (in fact, in real life I didn't have that dream).
the peacock
One time at the Master Unit in Taiwan, during a sleepy meditation, I saw a peacock very, very closely flying away from me. It seemed like it had flown away from inside of me.
she who became one with the Sea
I saw a beautiful woman. She told me: “I danced to the rhythm of the waves of the Sea and then I became one with the Sea."
sastaunga pranama
Baba was in one room. I entered the room and did sastaunga pranama to Him. I think I had had the internal desire to do sastaunga pranama to Him for some time.
I was doing tandava along with other brothers. We were in some kind of DC hall. After some time the other brothers stopped but I continued. I thought "Dancers Halt!" has not yet been shouted, so why did they stop dancing?
a spiritual concert
I was somewhere in a big concert hall, maybe an opera theatre. There had been a concert taking place and the last song or performance had just finished.
sastaunga pranama and a walk with Him
I saw Baba going somewhere. An intense desire arose in me that I should give Him sastaunga pranama.
But because He had been walking fast I became a bit confused and did not know how to do it.
mantra chanting
I had been digitalising some very precious cassette tapes that Dada Divyalokeshananda had send me.
repeated appearance on TV
I was in my school and around me were many children. We were sitting in front of a TV and I was supposed to choose a video for children or a cartoon and put the VCR into the VCR player.