into Him
This morning in dream Baba was with me and He embraced me with both His arms and lifted me up me up tightly unto His heart like a mother who takes her baby unto her chest.
This morning I was dreaming that I was in some sort of big conference place. The atmosphere was very relaxed.
During a break I was sitting in a hallway when suddenly Baba passed by. He had a big pair of scissors in His hands...
Lord Shiva
I was dreaming of Parvati. She had to undergo an operation.
Under Shiva’s guidance she was to obtain five heads.
Seven doctors had do to the operation, each for about 45 minutes or so. I don't remember exactly.
remember Me
This morning in dream I heard Baba’s voice.
meditating with His smile
In dream it had just become five o'clock in the morning and the church bells from the church by my house started ringing.
Baba the archeologist
I dreamt that I was in a foreign land that was a bit tropical, perhaps like Mexico or India.
Baba wakes up sweetly
Baba was in bed and had just woken up. As soon as He woke up, He sat upright as if He was ready for work. He was still a bit sleepy but sat upright and started to smile all over.
do not forget me
I was in some new place. Baba was there. He appeared from time to time but did not make me realise it clearly.
Then He started to sing the song 'Tumi bhulona more' (do not forget me). It was just His voice without any instruments.
You are here!
Today I dreamt that I was maybe in Ananda Nagar or some other Master Unit in India. It looked a bit like a WT training center also.
we were together and happy
In dream I was with Baba and Baba was with me and I felt so much love for Him and I was so indescribably happy.
in Shiva land
I was dreaming that I was on some very high mountain plateau. Other people were there also. When I looked around me at the horizon I could see the peaks of very high snow-capped mountains.
at Baba's quarter
I was dreaming that I was at some sort of spiritual gathering at a Master Unit where there was also a Baba’s quarter. Baba was not present but we got the opportunity to go to Baba’s room.
sing nicer!
This morning I had one nice dream where I was singing Prabhat Samgiit. First I did not sing with so much devotion. Then, someone told me to sing nicer.
blessing for children
It was daytime and we were in a jagrti in a nearby country. Some margiis were there.
After some time we sat down at the table to eat. My mother was also there and one Dada was talking to her while eating.
Baba talks with love
Last night I dreamed that we were in some familiar room and Baba was giving a talk. There was a lot of love emanating from Him.
the serpentine noose
I did my sadhana nicely in the morning but felt again sleepy afterwards. I then had a brief dream where on person got strangled and killed by a big snake.
obey Him!
I was dreaming that Baba was in His room. Two devotees were with Him, one sister and one brother. Baba told them to go because He now had something else to do. But they were refusing to leave.
Baba is sick
Some time ago I was dreaming that we were in some big room or hall. It was dark and it was not clear what we had to do there.
sweet dream
Baba was talking about Krsna and how the vehicle on which He (Krsna) was traveling was converted into a chariot when He went to a certain place. But I don't remember all the details.
samadhi of the levitating
It was as if a very old Baba video was being played. It had a brownish colour.
Someone had just collapsed or fallen on the ground in front of where Baba was sitting.
‘this light cannot be measured by human beings’
Recently I had a few interesting dreams.
Two days ago, I was dreaming that I was playing one flute. It was a very beautiful melody but also very short.
Nearest and Dearest
Baba was in a Russian retreat and He knew all the margiis. The retreat was on the Master Unit. There was such a family feeling, as if He had been staying there ever since.